Admission into the LPN to ADN Bridge Program (Bridge Program) is selective and competitive. Admission into Richland Community College does not guarantee acceptance to the program. Students must meet the minimum admission criteria to be eligible to apply. Once the criteria have been met, students are scored on a rubric, and the students with the highest scores are offered conditional admission.
The Bridge Program follows the Health Professions' selective admissions process. Students use the online Pre-Advisement Plan on myRichland to apply during the designated application period. For spring admissions, applications are accepted between August 1 to September 1. For fall admissions, applications are accepted between January 2 and February 1. Out-of-district applicants are considered for the program when space is available.
Transferring from Another Institution
Students who have completed nursing core courses at another institution may be eligible to transfer into the Bridge Program. To receive transfer credit for courses completed at another institution, official transcripts must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Transfer credit for nursing core courses is based upon successful completion of equivalent coursework, standardized tests for appropriate courses, and available space. Students are responsible for the costs of any standardized tests. All admission and graduation requirements must be met in order to graduate from the Bridge Program including a minimum of two semesters of core nursing courses completed at Richland. All required forms, transcripts, and supportive documentation must be received by September 1st to be considered for spring admission and by February 1 for fall admission.
Prerequisites to Apply
- Graduate of a State-approved Practical Nursing Program.
- Current, unencumbered LPN license or eligibility to be licensed before the Bridge Program begins.
- Completion of (or be in progress to complete) BIOL 201 and PSYCH 110 with a 'C' or better. BIOL 201 and PSYCH 110 must be completed prior to start of semester for which student is applying.
- Completed all prerequisites and Bridge Program courses with a 'C' or better and a Program GPA or 2.5 or better.
The Bridge Program GPA is calculated using grades and credits earned in any completed Bridge Program courses. Program courses that can be taken prior to admission include BIOL 201, BIOL 202, BIOL 220, ENGL 101, and PSYCH 110. Students who have completed BIOL 201, BIOL 202, or BIOL 220 must have completed one within the past 5 years. Transfer and Richland credits are used in calculating the Bridge Program GPA.
Graduation Requirements
Total Credit Hours: 63 credit hours in courses numbered 100 or above.
- Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) 2.0 ('C') or better for all work applicable toward the degree.
- Residency: 15 credit hours or more at Richland Community College.
- Course Requirement: 'C' or better in all prerequisite and Program courses.
- Meet the standards of the ANA Code of Ethics, Richland Academic Integrity Policy, Richland Student Conduct Policy, and the Health Professions Standards of Conduct.
Additional Program Considerations
All Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees include a required minimum of 15 general education credits. Students must earn a grade of 'C' or better in the Program prerequisites, core curriculum courses, and general education courses.
Required Courses