2024-2025 Course Catalog

Financial Aid

All students seeking State or Federal financial assistance are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each academic year. An academic year will consist of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Early application is important for consideration for State funding. The FAFSA is accepted until June 30 of each academic year.

Federal financial aid applicants must have a high school diploma or GED. A student must be attending classes on a regular basis. Any student reported as not attending classes will have their financial aid adjusted accordingly.

A student must be enrolled in an eligible program as approved by the U.S. Department of Education, leading to a certificate or degree. All courses taken must be applicable to that certificate or degree. Veterans receiving benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs must be taking courses in degree programs approved by the State of Illinois Approving Agency for Veterans’ Education.

Financial aid will not cover audited courses.

Students should submit a Special Circumstance Request form for a possible adjustment to the Student Aid Index (SAI) for unusual financial circumstances such as loss of employment, reduction in hours or wages, or loss of income due to divorce or death.

Students transferring from another college to Richland should submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and academic transcript(s) from all colleges previously attended. Transfer students who have not submitted a copy of their transcript from a prior school or were not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress at the last school attended may be placed on financial aid warning or financial aid suspension according to the Standards of Academic Progress. After a successful appeal, transfer students may be taken off financial aid suspension. Appeal forms are available in the Financial Aid Office, Room N118.

Contact the Financial Aid Office via e-mail at financialaid@richland.edu or by calling 217.875.7211, Ext. 6271 for assistance with the financial aid process.