Certified Production Technician Preparation Certificate (300R)
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The Certified Production Tech Prep certificate is a career-laddering certificate aimed at preparing the individual to pass the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council’s (MSSC) Certified Production Technician (CPT) certification. Due to the shortage of skilled labor in the manufacturing field, the MSSC has developed the CPT certificate to acknowledge individuals who demonstrate a mastery of the core competencies of manufacturing production at the entry through front-line supervisory level. The MSSC CPT certificate focuses on four critical areas: Manufacturing Processes & Production; Safety in the Workplace; Quality Practices & Measurement; and Maintenance Awareness. In order for an individual to earn the MSSC CPT certification, the most successful student completes each of the four modules and passes the assessment for that module. The Certified Production Tech Prep certificate covers the content of each of these modules.
This certificate is aligned with the AAS CNC Specialty, AAS Electrical Systems Specialty.
Graduation Requirements
- Total Credit Hours: 16 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above
- Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 (‘C’) or better for all work applicable toward the degree that was completed at Richland
- Residency: 8 credit hours or more at Richland
Curriculum Requirements
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