2024-2025 Course Catalog

Hospitality Operations Certificate (012B)
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The Hospitality Management Program prepares students for career-track positions in the restaurant, catering, and institutional food service fields. Courses are offered in five areas: risk management, cost control and revenue management, human resources, marketing management, and operations management. The Hospitality Operations Certificate prepares individuals for entry-level positions in the hospitality industry with a focus on operations. 


Graduation Requirements

  1. Total Credit Hours: 18 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above
  2. Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 (‘C’) or better for all work applicable toward the degree that was completed at Richland
  3. Residency: 10 credit hours or more at Richland Community College

Curriculum Requirements

Required Courses

BUS 110Business Mathematics



CA 150Culinary Math


BUS 231Business Law Principles


HOSP 104Purchasing & Product Identification


HOSP 108Intro to Hospitality Industry



CA 101Intro To Culinary Arts


HOSP 115Menu Planning


HOSP 205Cost Management


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