Diesel Drive Train Specialist Certificate (100F)
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The Drive Train Specialist certificate maps to the ASE T3 and H3 exams for diesel drive trains. A student earning this certificate must master working knowledge of a diesel truck’s clutch system, transmission, driveshaft, universal joint, and drive axle. Many of these systems are controlled manually, by hydraulics, or electronically. This laddered certificate builds on the Diesel Service Technician certificate and provides the student with specialized skills in this critical field. This certificate will provide the student with opportunities for advancement.
Graduation Requirements
- Total Credit Hours: 16 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above
- Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 (‘C’) or better for all work applicable toward the degree that was completed at Richland
- Residency: 8 credit hours or more at Richland
Curriculum Requirements
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