Damage Analysis Specialist Certificate (101A)
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This certificate maps to the ASE Collison B6 exam for damage analysis and estimating. This advanced certificate requires that the student master mechanical systems, electrical systems, and steering systems. The student must also have a working knowledge of structural repair, nonstructural repair, painting, and refinishing. This certification will increase a person’s opportunities for advancement in the field and in entry level work as an estimator.
Graduation Requirements
- Total Credit Hours: 25 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above
- Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 (‘C’) or better for all work applicable toward the degree that was completed at Richland
- Residency: 13 credit hours or more at Richland Community College
Curriculum Requirements
Required Courses
AUTO 102 | Electrical Systems | 4.0 |
CRT 100 | Introduction to Collision Repair | 4.0 |
CRT 105 | Damage Estimating & Customer Service | 2.0 |
CRT 110 | Painting & Refinishing 1 | 4.0 |
CRT 120 | Non-structural Collision Repair 1 | 4.0 |
CRT 130 | Structural Collision Repair 1 | 4.0 |
CRT 205 | Mechanical Systems | 3.0 |
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