2024-2025 Course Catalog

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Richland Community College, an open-door institution, recognizes the rights of its students guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois. The College further recognizes and identifies students’ rights to equal access to all programs, information, freedom of speech, inquiry, assembly, to the peaceful pursuit of an education, and to the reasonable use of services and facilities of the College.

Richland Community College is committed to teaching and learning. As a teaching and learning community, relationships among students, faculty, and staff are marked by mutual respect and appreciation for each other’s roles and responsibilities.

Further, Richland Community College strives to maintain an educational environment that supports the academic, professional and/or personal development of all members of the community and identifies responsibilities assigned to students as members of the learning community.

Richland Community College has established a “Statement of Student Rights” and a “Statement of Student Responsibilities” to educate students about the manner in which they are to pursue their own educational objectives as well as support the objectives of others. These statements identify the rights to which students are entitled through membership in the Richland learning community along with the responsible behaviors in which students should be engaged as members of the learning community.

Statement of Student Rights

As members of Richland’s learning community, students are entitled to certain rights and provisions, including a quality education and quality services. In addition, students have the right to know the following:

  • College’s admissions requirements
  • Degrees and certificates offered
  • Types of career and personal development resources available
  • When classes are offered
  • Course requirements
  • Policy on class attendance and participation
  • Grading policies and procedures
  • Cost of attendance
  • Financial aid and veterans’ educational benefits available
  • How financial aid eligibility is determined
  • How financial aid awards are calculated
  • When financial aid is awarded
  • College and financial aid satisfactory academic progress requirements and their implications
  • College refund policy
  • College policies and procedures
  • Academic and other support services available
  • Student activities available
  • Campus crime statistics
  • Graduation rates
  • Job placement rates
  • Emergency procedures
  • Building hours
  • College operational hours
  • How to file a grievance

Statement of Student Responsibilities

Listed below are the responsibilities that Richland students accept through membership in the College’s learning community. Each student should approach academic endeavors, relationships, and personal responsibilities with a strong commitment to personal integrity and mutual respect. As members of the Richland teaching and learning community, students have responsibility to

  • Read the College Catalog andinformation available on the Richland website
  • Become knowledgeable about College policies and procedures
  • Abide by College policies and procedures
  • Be aware of academic and graduation requirements
  • Provide accurate information on College forms
  • Meet financial obligations to the College
  • Attend classes and be on time
  • Complete assignments and exams based upon course syllabus information
  • Participate in class
  • Fulfill their academic responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner
  • Utilize appropriate support services when needed
  • Seek help from faculty when needed
  • Seek out answers to questions
  • Abide by the equipment usage policy
  • Meet published deadlines
  • Notify College officials if a condition exists which is in violation of a student’s rights, College policies, rules, standards, and procedures
  • Join/seek out groups and individuals that will help students achieve their goals
  • Abide by state and federal laws
  • Conduct themselves in a responsible manner in and out of the classroom
  • Protect, support, and contribute to a safe environment within the learning community
  • Show regard for the property of the College, its community members and visitors
  • Assist the College in fulfilling its administrative responsibilities