2022-2023 Course Catalog

Intellectual and Cultural Studies Basic Certificate (0047)

The program is meant to serve those who have an interest in pursuing studies for their own intellectual and/or cultural development. Richland recognizes that many persons enroll for the purpose of studying in areas not previously pursued even though they may have earned one or more college degrees. Other persons may have developed their occupational skills primarily through employment experiences and now desire to take advantage of the opportunity for intellectual and/or cultural development. Such study is for personal enrichment rather than for the purpose of development of occupational competence or the pursuit of a baccalaureate-oriented curriculum. Those interested in pursuing work for such a purpose may enroll in this program even if they do not intend to receive a certificate. Interested individuals should plan their program with a Success Coach.

Curriculum Requirements

Graduation Requirements

  1. Total Credit Hours: 16 credit hours of course work that complements the individual’s other life experiences so as to broaden his/her intellectual and/or cultural understanding
  2. Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 (‘C’) or better for courses numbered 080 or above and a grade of ‘CR’ for courses numbered 079 or below that are pursued at the College and are applicable to this certificate
  3. Residency: 8 credit hours or more at Richland Community College

Suggested Courses

In addition to the suggested courses listed for the group requirements areas, a student may utilize one or more other courses if his or her background is appropriate to a particular area of study. Electives may include other introductory courses not listed.

Communications Skills

ENGL 090Reading & Study Skills 2


ENGL 097Developmental Writing 2


ENGL 101Composition 1


COMM 101Public Speaking


ED 205Foundations of Education


Social and Behavioral Sciences

POL S 100People & Politics


SOCIO 200Marriage and the Family


Natural/Life/Physical Science

BIOL 101Concepts of Biology 1


CHEM 100Concepts of Chemistry



MATH 090Pre Algebra


MATH 091Basic Algebra


MATH 099Preparatory Math for Gen Ed


MATH 110Concepts of Mathematics


MATH 113Intro to Applied Statistics


Humanities/Fine Arts

AFAM 100Intro to African American Studies


AFAM 120African American Experience


ART 100Art Appreciation


THTRE 150Theatre Appreciation


MUSIC 100Music Appreciation


MUSIC 190Introduction to American Music


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Phone: 217.875.7200, ext 6267

Email: admissions@richland.edu