2022-2023 Course Catalog

MATH 113 Intro to Applied Statistics

is a general education statistics course that uses current technology to allow focusing on mathematical understanding instead of routine calculations. Descriptive statistics covered include frequency tables, graphs, and measures of location and variation. Topics from probability include probability rules, counting techniques, and probability distributions. Inferential statistics coverage includes estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and probability values. Statistical methods discussed include the one and two sample t-tests, one and two proportion tests, chi-square goodness of fit and test for independence, correlation, regression, and analysis of variance. This course makes heavy use of technology to solve real-world applications. This course is applicable toward all certificates and degrees; group requirements include mathematics (credit hours 4.0, lecture hours 4.0). IAI:M1 902




eligibility for ENGL 101 and one of the following: (1) MATH 098 [grade of 'C' or higher], (2) MATH 099 [grade of 'C' or higher], (3) satisfactory score on the mathematics placement exam, (4) a score of 22 or higher on the math ACT within three years of enrollment, and (5) a score of 530 on the math SAT within three years of enrollment

Division and Department

Math, Science & Business / Mathematics