2023-2024 Course Catalog

Results of SAP Evaluation

Financial Aid Warning and Suspension

Students who do not meet the GPA or completion rate standard will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for one semester. Students on Warning are eligible to receive federal and state financial aid. Students who do not return to good standing after their Warning semester will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. Students who meet the maximum credit hour standard will be placed on Suspension.

Students on Financial Aid Suspension are not eligible to receive federal or state financial aid.

Financial Aid Appeal

Students who are placed on Financial Aid Suspension may request an appeal. Students wishing to appeal will complete a Financial Aid Appeal Form and include an explanation of the mitigating circumstances that caused or contributed to the student’s inability to meet SAP standards along with documentation to support the explanation.

Students who are placed on Financial Aid Suspension for meeting the maximum credit hours standard can also appeal using the Financial Aid Appeal Form.

Students who appeal successfully are placed on Financial Aid Probation. Students on Probation must maintain a 2.0 semester GPA with 100% semester completion rate and only take courses that count toward their degree. Progress will be reviewed each semester. Students who meet those requirements may be placed on Continued Probation until they meet SAP standards or complete their degree or certificate. Students who fail to meet those standards will return to Financial Aid Suspension status.

Once students have met the SAP standards, they will be notified via Richland email that they have returned to good standing.

Regaining Eligibility

A student who has been on financial aid suspension can regain eligibility through the appeal process or by returning to SAP standards through improving their GPA and completion rate. The SAP standards that bring a student back to good standing are the same as the standards listed above to remain in good standing.