Automotive Technology Associate in Applied Science (0071)
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The AAS – Automotive Technology degree provides the opportunity to develop skills in automotive care and repair, including basic automotive theory; electrical systems; suspension, steering and brakes; heating and air conditioning; fuel injection (advanced, turbo, and super charging); engine repair; manual drive train and axles; automatic transmissions and transaxles; and drivability problem diagnosis. Upon completion of this course, students will also be better prepared to take the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) test to become certified automotive technicians, with subsequent appropriate work experience.
This program is designed to serve those persons who wish to acquire the knowledge and skills provided through the Advanced Certificate program plus the additional elements of related and general education yielding an associate's degree. It will provide a broad basis of preparation for persons seeking initial employment as well as provide an opportunity for increased competencies and understandings for persons already employed in Automotive Technology. In addition to the courses described within the formal program structure, AAS students also must select electives to complete their program. They represent the primary differences between the AAS and the Advanced Certificate programs by providing the AAS student an opportunity to gain broadened insight and understanding. Electives must include 15 or more semester hours of courses numbers 100 and above selected from the three group requirement areas with at least 3 semester hours in such area. The group requirement areas are (1) Communication Skills, (2) Humanities and/or Business and (3) Social Science.
Graduation Requirements
- Total Credit Hours: 65 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above
- Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 (‘C’) or better for all work applicable toward the degree that was completed at Richland
- Residency: 15 credit hours or more at Richland Community College
Additional Program Considerations
Students attending full-time who begin in spring may not finish in a two-year time frame. All AAS degrees include a required minimum of 15 general education credits.
Articulated AAS Degree Programs
Articulated programs are designed for Richland students who intend to transfer to another institution to complete a four-year degree after earning an associate in applied science degree at Richland.
Success Coaches and other staff in the Student Success Center provide extensive transfer information on Richland’s associate in applied science degree transfer curriculum (2+2) articulated agreements with various baccalaureate institutions.
Franklin University (Columbus, OH)
Greenville University (Greenville, IL) – Organizational Leadership
Southern Illinois Carbondale – Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology
Curriculum Requirements
Required Courses
General Education Electives
Number of Credit Hours Required: 3.00
Suggested Course Sequence
Fall Semester
AUTO 101 | Basic Theory | 3.0 |
AUTO 102 | Electrical Systems | 4.0 |
ENGL 110 | Professional & Technical Writing | 3.0 |
| Or | |
ENGL 105 | Technical Writing in the Workplace | 3.0 |
MATH 104 | Technical Mathematics | 4.0 |
| Or | |
MATH 110 | Concepts of Mathematics | 4.0 |
| General Education Elective | 3.0 |
Spring Semester
AUTO 201 | Suspension & Steering Alignment | 4.0 |
AUTO 207 | Advanced Automotive Electronics | 4.0 |
CIS 110 | Computer Business Applications | 3.0 |
COMM 120 | Business & Professional Speaking | 3.0 |
| Or | |
COMM 101 | Public Speaking | 3.0 |
Summer Semester
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
AUTO 205 | Manual Drive Train & Axles | 4.0 |
AUTO 206 | Automatic Transmissions/ Transaxles | 4.0 |
AUTO 209 | Adv. Driveability Problem Diagnosis | 4.0 |
AUTO 290 | Automotive Internship | 3.0 |
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