2023-2024 Course Catalog

Local Foods Certificate (206B)
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The Local Foods certificate introduces students to the science and business of growing and selling locally grown products in the food industry. The certificate covers the concepts of soil science and pest management, showing how products are best grown in the area. It them moves to specific concepts of both fruit and vegetable production, plus an overview of horticulture science. Finally, the certificate includes a course in agricultural business management, enabling students to market their product both in the community and within the restaurant industry.


Graduation Requirements

  1. Total Credit Hours: 19 credit hours in courses numbered 100 and above
  2. Cumulative Grade Point Average: 2.00 ('C') or better for all work applicable toward the certificate that was completed at Richland Community College
  3. Residency: 9 credit hour or more at Richland Community College


Curriculum Requirements

Required Courses

AGRIC 210Soil Science


AGRIC 226Integrated Pest Management


AGRIC 235Agriculture Business Management


HORT 100Horticulture Science


HORT 202Vegetable Crop Production


HORT 226Fruit Production


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