2022-2023 Course Catalog

Chronic Communicable Disease Policy (Board Policy 4.13)

A student with chronic communicable diseases may attend school in the regular classroom setting whenever, through reasonable accommodation, the risk of transmission of the disease or the risk of further injury to the student is sufficiently remote in such a setting.

Each student with a chronic communicable disease shall be evaluated by a placement committee that will consist of the President, as chairperson, and other appropriate College personnel, a physician or other consultants selected by the President or a designee, the student’s physician, public health personnel, the student, and the student’s parents or guardians.

The student’s placement shall be determined in accordance with the above standards and upon the following factors: the risk of transmission of disease to others; the health risk to the particular student; and reasonable accommodations that can be made without undue hardship to reduce the health risk to the student and others. The vote of a majority of the committee shall determine the student’s placement.

The student shall be re-evaluated periodically, at least once a year, by the placement committee to determine whether the student’s placement continues to be appropriate. The student’s medical condition shall be disclosed only to the extent necessary to minimize the health risks to the student and others. The College President may establish additional rules and regulations designed to implement this policy.

If the student is handicapped, special arrangements may be made as required by Section 504 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Numerous pamphlets are available throughout the College dealing with chronic communicable diseases. Counselors available in the Student Success Center, Room N117, can make referrals for psychological counseling through the Heritage Behavioral Health Center.