2022-2023 Course Catalog

IT 174 Python Programming

is designed to introduce students to structured problem-sloving, algorithm development procedural and data abstraction in the Python programming language. Topics include selection, repetition, and sequence control structures, program design, development, testing, and documentation, coding style, readability and maintainability, array, linked structures, and lists, sorting and searching, strings and files, functions and classes. Students willl examine elements of object-oriented programming languages, including fundamental data types, classes, objects, methods, abstract data types, variable declaration, expressions, operators, control structures, arrays, strings, I/O, functions, parameters, structures, and libraries. This course is applicable toward all certificates, AAS, ALS, AA, AS; group requirements include business (AAS only) (credit hours 3.0, lecture hours 2.0, lab hours 2.0).



Division and Department

Math, Science & Business / Information Technology