2022-2023 Course Catalog

CS 251 Object-Oriented Programming

is designed to introduce students to top-down structured problem-solving, algorithm development, and procedural and data abstraction. Topics include selection, repetition, sequence control structures; program design, development, test, and documentation; coding style, readability and maintainability; and array, record, and file manipulation. Students examine elements of object-oriented programming languages including fundamental data types, classes, objects, methods, abstract data types, variable declaration, expressions, operators, control statements, arrays, strings, I/O, functions, parameters, structures, and libraries. To teach these concepts, the course presents three similar object-oriented programming languages side by side: C++, C#, and Java. This course is applicable toward all certificates and degrees; areas of concentration include computer science (credit hours 4.0, lecture hours 3.0, lab hours 2.0).




IT 131 or concurrent enrollment and MATH 116

Division and Department

Math, Science & Business / Computer Science