2022-2023 Course Catalog

The Tenets of Community College Trusteeship

The community college is an egalitarian institution committed to the principle that higher education should be available to every person who can benefit. The purpose of a comprehensive community college is to serve all who then can serve to build a better society.

The primary task of the Board of Trustees is to serve as a regenerative force, always expanding and improving the College’s service to people. Given this basic condition, the activities and deliberations of the Board of Trustees will be governed by the following tenets:

About Allegiance

Trustees have but one allegiance; that is to the institution and its mission. Representing special constituencies dilutes trust and undermines institutional mission.

About Commitment

To achieve distinction requires commitment, and commitment requires the devotion of time, thought, energy, effort, and ability whenever needed.

About Creating a Culture of Sustainability

When the Board of Trustees weaves the core values into sustainable concepts with a perspective measured by the Triple Bottom Line (Environment, People, Economics), the College becomes values-driven, exceeding its mission.

About Distinction

The Board of Trustees has the authority and the autonomy to be original, creative, and regenerative; that is its responsibility. If the College is to become an institution of distinction, it will be because the Board demonstrates and requires distinctive service.

About Evaluation

Purpose achieved with distinction does not occur in a vacuum. It occurs because of a Board desire for distinction and willingness to measure how well it is achieved.

About Power

Power rests mostly with the Board of Trustees but also extends far beyond it. Trustee power and influence well used will result in staff power and influence well used; students will be served.

About Purpose

The purpose of an educational institution is more than a Board decision. It is a Board responsibility. Defining the institution is a critical task that requires continuing review.

About Service

All activities in which the College engages – teaching, serving, and guiding – must be evaluated by their effect upon students and community. How the College serves its community and how it serves and prepares its students are fundamental criteria by which the College must be measured.

About Teamwork

The Board consists of individuals with differing values and beliefs, and debate is expected and natural. Although there are individual expressions, there are no individual decisions. Board decisions must be team decisions.