2020-2021 Course Catalog

Substance Abuse – Intoxicant Use

A student shall not possess or use any illegal or controlled drug or substance in either refined or crude form on College property except under the direction of a licensed physician. Any student who violates any provision of federal or state law pertaining to the manufacture, possession, purchase, sale, or use of drugs on College property will be referred to the appropriate civil authority. Irresponsible behavior attributable to any such drug or substance will not be tolerated and will be subject to College disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the College.

A student shall not possess drug paraphernalia commonly used for the consumption, distribution, or ingestion of cannabis or a controlled drug or substance. Drug paraphernalia includes but is not limited to pipes, syringes, packaging materials, scales, etc. Any student possessing these items will be subject to College disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from Richland.

Possession and use of intoxicants on College property is prohibited. Irresponsible behavior attributable to any such intoxicants will not be tolerated and will be subject to College disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the College.

Numerous pamphlets are available throughout the College dealing with drug, substance, and alcohol use and addiction. Staff in the Student Success Center, Room N117, can make referrals to appropriate agencies.