2020-2021 Course Catalog

Computer Labs

Printing availability is noted where applicable. Locations on campus require a print card. These may be purchased in the Library or at the Cashier's window in the Student Success Center (Room N117) in denominations of $.50, $1.00, $2.00, and $5.00.

Main Computer Lab

The main hub for workstations is located in the LRC (Library). Hours are the same as the Library open hours. Black and white and color printing is available with a print card.

Clinton Higher Education Center

This facility has an open computer lab for student use. Black and white printing is available for $.10 per page.

Quiet Computer Lab

This quiet lab is also available in the Library during Library open hours. This lab is designed for students who require complete quiet to concentrate. Because this lab is occasionally reserved for library instruction and some classes, students should read the schedule outside the lab to verify its availability. Black and white and color printing is available with a print card.

Schrodt Mini-Lab

This computer lab, in S163, is open to all students but is frequently occupied by students in health professions classes. Printing is not available.

Academic Success Center

Students may use the computers in the ASC when the Center is open. Black and white printing is available with a print card.