2020-2021 Course Catalog

CRJ 290 Work Experience Practicum & Seminar

affords the student in the Criminal Justice program the opportunity to apply the principles learned in other courses to the work situation through employment in or observation of activities necessary for the operation of a law enforcement agency. Employment or observation activities are coordinated with the student's course work. Students must work a minimum of 150 hours during the semester to receive credit for this course. Students will be required to meet with their supervisor weekly for an hour to discuss progress and/or concerns, and they are required to submit a weekly log of their practicum activities to the Dean/Coordinator of the Criminal Justice Program and write a research paper. A background check is required. This course is applicable toward all certificates and degrees (credit hours 3.0, lecture hours 1.0, lab hours 10.0).




eligibility for ENGL 101 and approval of instructor

Division and Department

Math, Science & Business / Criminal Justice