2020-2021 Course Catalog

Grading Standards

The following letter grades are used at Richland to represent the student’s level of performance in courses numbered 080 or above in this Catalog:

Grade Description
A Superior or excellent
B Very good or above average
C Good or average
D Barely passing or below average
F Failure or unsatisfactory
W Withdrawn
AU Audit
CR Completed course requirements. Grade only applicable for vocational skills and adult education courses
X Did not complete course requirements. Grade only applicable for vocational skills and adult education courses
I Incomplete
P Pass (not used for courses in a degree sequence or for transfer courses)
AC Credit by Advanced Course
AP Credit by Advanced Placement
CE Credit by Proficiency Exam
CL Credit by CLEP
DA Credit by DSST Prometrics Exam
IB International Baccalaureate designation
JO Credit by Journeyman Card
LI Credit by Licensure
PO Credit by Portfolio
PT Credit by Professional Training
TR Transfer Credit

Appealing a Grade

Students who feel they have received an unfair or inaccurate grade may appeal through the Student Grievance Policy.

Grade Point Average Calculation

A grade point average (GPA) for each student who has received a grade of A, B, C, D, or F will be calculated by term and by cumulative total. Each grade listed above is assigned a quality point value (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, and F = 0). The grades AU, I, W, CR, and X do not have point values and are not used to calculate a GPA.

The point value of the grade received is multiplied by the number of credit hours given for the course. The results for each course during a term are totaled, and that sum is divided by the number of semester hours attempted.

If, for example, a student received an A for a 3-hour course and a B for a second 3-hour course, the grade point average would be figured as follows:

A = 4 quality points and 4 x 3 hours = 12

B = 3 quality points and 3 x 3 hours = 9

9 + 12 = 21 total points

21 divided by 6 (attempted credit hours) = 3.5, the grade point average for that term.

* Developmental Courses (below 100) are not calculated in the cumulative grade point average.

Incomplete Grade

An incomplete grade may be assigned as a temporary final grade if a faculty member and student complete an Incomplete Grade Agreement form. The faculty member will provide a description of work to be completed and a completion deadline (All coursework must be finished by the end of each term, unless the instructor agrees in writing to a specified grace period no longer than 60 days after the end of the term). Failure to complete coursework within the 60-day grace period will result in the grade the student would earn without completing the coursework. A grade of “W” or “AU” is not allowed on an incomplete. Incomplete Grade Agreements are filed electronically, and a copy of the agreement is sent to the student’s Richland e-mail address.

Semester Academic Honors

The Semester Academic Honors List includes the names of students who have

  • Completed 12 or more cumulative semester hours; and
  • Completed 6 or more semester hours for the current term; and
  • Attained 3.50 GPA or higher for the current term.